Department of Health Situation Reports
- PNG COVID-19 Health Situation Report 24
- PNG COVID-19 Health Situation Report 23
- PNG COVID-19 Health Situation Report 22
- PNG COVID-19 Health Situation Report 21
- PNG COVID-19 Health Situation Report 20
- PNG COVID-19 Health Situation Report 18
- PNG COVID-19 Health Situation Report 17
- PNG COVID-19 Health Situation Report 16
- PNG COVID-19 Health Situation Report 15
- PNG COVID-19 Health Situation Report 14
- PNG COVID-19 Health Situation Report 13
- PNG COVID-19 Health Situation Report 12
- Emergency Order No.14 - Amendment to EO No. 3
- Emergency Order No.13-Deferral of Goroka By-election
- Emergency Order No.12-COVID 19 Surveillance&testing
- Emergency Order No.11-COVID-19 Testing
- Emergency Order No.10-Customs Duties
- Emergency Order No.9-Burial of persons
- Emergency Order No.8-Price Regulations
- Emergency Order No.7-Seizure of certain goods
- Emergency Order No.6-Impounding of AircraftVehicle&Vessels
- Emergency Order No.5-Continuance of public utility services
- Emergency Order No.4-Provincial Coordination
- Emergency Order No.3-International&Domestic Travel Amended 05-06-2020
- Emergency Order No.2-Business&Social
- Emergency Order No.1-Revocation of all previous orders
- National Emergency Orders No.37: COVID-19 Surveillance and Testing
- National Emergency Orders No.35: Amendment of Order.25
- National Emergency Orders No.33: Approved Persons and Organisations to Conduct COVID-19 Test
- National Emergency Orders No.32: Approved COVID-19 Test
- National Emergency Orders No.31: Customs Exemptions
- National Emergency Orders No.30: Private COVID-19 Testing Restrictions
- National Emergency Orders No.29: Western Province - Provincial Restrictions
- National Emergency Orders No.28: National Capital District and Central Province - Restrictions
- National Emergency Orders No.27: East New Britain Province - Provincial Restrictions
- National Emergency Orders No.25: Revocation of Order No.22 & International and Domestic Travel
- National Emergency Orders No.24: Amendment Business Operations and Social Gathering
- National Emergency Orders No.22: Revocation of Order No.7 & International and Domestic Travel
- National Emergency Orders No.20 : Burial of Deceased Persons
- National Emergency Orders No.19 : Price Regulation
- National Emergency Orders No.18 : Seizure of Goods Critical to the National Emergency Covid-19 Response
- National Emergency Orders No.17 : Amendment NCD & Western Province - confirmed Provincial Covid-19 Case
- National Emergency Orders No.16 : NCD and Western Confirmed Case
- National Emergency Orders No.14 : Siezure of Aircraft, Vehicles, Vessels and Perishable Goods Pursuant to the National Emergency
- National Emergency Orders No.13 Measures fo Provinces with Confirmed Covid-19 Cases
- National Emergency Orders No.12 International and Domestic Travel Amendment
- National Emergency Order No.11 Procurement of Certain Goods
- National Emergency Order No.10 Restriction on the sale of Liquor
- National Emergency Order No.9 Public Transportation
- National Emergency Order No.7 Revocation of Order No.1 & International and Domestic Travel
- National Emergency Order No.5 Government Employee Protection
- National Emergency Order No.4 Continuance of Public Utility Services
- National Emergency Order No.3 Provincial Coordination
- National Emergency Order No.2 Business Operations & Socila Gatherings
- National Emergency Order No.1 International & Domestic Travel