Prime Minister announces new line-up of Cabinet Ministers

Sunday 20 December 20 2020

Prime Minister James Marape, today announced the new line -up of his Cabinet Ministers.

They are:

Prime Minister and Bougainville Affairs Hon. James Marape;
Deputy Prime Minister and  Minister for Commerce and Industry Hon. Sam Basil;
Minister for Treasury Hon. Ian Ling-Stuckey;
Minister  for Finance and Rural Development  Hon. Sir John Pundari;
Minister for National Planning and Monitoring Hon. Rainbo Paita;
Minister for State Enterprises Hon. William Duma;
Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade, Hon. Soroi Eoe;
Minister for Public Service, Hon. Joe Sungi;
Minister for Petroleum Hon. Kerenga Kua;
Minister for  Forestry Hon. Walter Schnaubelt;
Minister for Mining Hon. Johnson Tuke;
Minister for Works Hon Michael Nali;
Minister for  Education Hon. Jimmy Uguro;
Minister for  Higher Education and Sports, Hon. Wesley Raminai;
Minister for Health Hon Jelta Wong;
Minister for Immigration and Border Security Hon. Westly Nukundj;
Minister for Labour and Employment Hon. Tomait Kapili;
Minister for Agriculture Hon. John Simon;
Minister for Tourism, Hon. Isi Henry Leonard;
Minister for Civil Aviation Hon. Saki Agisa;
Minister for  Environment and Conservation Hon. Wera Mori;
Minister for Police Hon. William Onglo;
Minister for  Correctional Service Hon. Win Daki; .
Minister for Community Development Hon. Wake Goi;
Minister for  Defence Hon. Solan Mirisim;
Minister  for Justice Hon. Bryan Kramer;
Minister for  Information Communication and Technology Hon. Timothy Masiu;
Minister for Fisheries Hon. Dr Lino Tom;
Minister for  Inter-Government Relations Hon. Pila Niningi;
Minister for  Housing Hon. Justin Tkatchenko; .
Minister for  Lands and Physical Planning Hon. John Rosso;
Minister or  Energy, Hon. Saki Soloma; and
Minister for Transport Hon. William Samb.


Meanwhile, Prime Minister Marape   says the ministerial line-up    reflects the Government’s vision of taking back the country.

“My ministerial line-up is part of reconstructing our country. It combines youth, dynamism, vigour, energy and experience in taking back our country from the wrong path of corruption and complacency we have been travelling on for so long, especially over the last 10 years.

“To turn around Papua New Guinea was not a task that could be achieved in 18 months. However,  we have started well, embarking on reforms in the resource sector, public service sector and law-and-justice sector,” he said.

“For instance,  the Organic Law on Independent Commission against Corruption  (ICAC), after more than 25 years of talking by successive governments, was delivered under my leadership and we are working to set it up.

“We are also turning  MV PNG in the right direction,  where people and country participate in, to earn more from all resources our God has blessed us with.

“This fight will not stop and the journey of all my Government’s public policies would be into this discourse,” he added.

Prime Minister Marape said reforms  in mining, oil and gas, forestry and fisheries must be for the benefit of landowners and provincial governments and the rest of the country through the National Government.

“My team wants to break free and follow a different path – one that should give our people and country full economic independence  and not be dependent on others.”

Prime Minister James Marape (centre) announcing his new Ministerial Line-Up at Loloata Island today.



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