that will operate out of the National Operations Centre (NOC) at Waigani.
“After meeting with the Prime Minister earlier today, we have decided on the make-up of the media team that will now coordinate all media liaisons and enquiries during the period of the State of Emergency (SOE). “This team will also be responsible for packaging all information that will come out of the JTF in relation to the PNG Government’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
“I am satisfied that the team we have put in place will be easily accessible to the media as we work together to keep our people regularly informed on the latest developments since the SOE was declared,” Mr Manning said. The Commander of the JST said the team will be made up of PM’s Media Advisor Mr Tony Maben, Mr Jacob Marcos from the National Department of Health, Media Director of the Royal PNG Constabulary Chief Superintendent Dominic Kakas, acting Secretary of the Department of Information &
Communication Technology Mr Steven Matainaho and Managing Director of the National Broadcasting Corporation Mr Kora Nou.
“I am quite satisfied with the composition of this team, and they will now be responsible for all media information going out from the National Operations Centre and the Joint Task Force. The COVID-19 Media Coordinating Team will be stationed at the NOC on a fulltime basis. “The Prime Minister has also made it quite clear that any and all government information will be vetted by this team before it goes out to the media. This will also be the same for any media enquiries coming from our journalists. “This is to ensure that all information going out to our people is consistent and credible and will enhance their lives during this SOE and beyond.
“Most of our citizens will now be at their homes for the next 14 days and will be eager to know the latest on COVID-19 and other government remedial efforts. With guidance of this team now in place, I intend to reach out to the public through daily SOE briefings that I will conduct with the media,” he said, adding that the team members make available their contact details to all media as soon as possible today.
The COVID-19 Media Team contact number is 79636717.
David Manning, MBE, DPS, QPM
Commissioner of Police
Commander – COVID-19 Joint Task Force