PNG COVID-19 total at 780 with new cases reported in Western and West New Britain provinces

Tuesday 22 December 2020

Western   and West New Britain provinces have reported new Coronavirus disease ( Covid 19) positive cases in the last 24 hours, bringing PNG’s total COVID-19 cases to 780.

Western Province has reported seven new cases whilst West New Britain  reported nine new cases.
Controller of the National Pandemic Response, David Manning, said that  in the Western Province,  there were five male and two females between the ages of 26 and 70 years old  who were  reported positive.

All cases are from the North Fly area. The seven cases did not show symptoms of the virus at the time of testing but swab samples have returned positive.

Mr Manning added that in  Western New Britain, three male and six females between the ages of 13 to 57 years old have tested positive.

“Five of the cases did not show symptoms of the virus whilst four were experiencing cough, fever, headache, sore throat and chills at the time of testing.”

A community health worker from Kandrian is among nine cases reported in West New Britain. The other eight cases are from Talasea district.

The country’s total positive cases as a result, stand at 780 and 9 deaths. Sixteen provinces including the Autonomous Region of Bougainville (AROB) have reported cases.

The distribution of the cases is as follows:

Provinces Cases
NCD 361
Western Province 211
West New Britain 133
Eastern Highlands 13
East new Britain 13
New Ireland 11
Western Highlands 10
Central 9
Morobe 6
East Sepik 3
Enga 3
Milne Bay 2
West Sepik 2
Southern Highlands 1
Hela Province 1


Globally, the total confirmed cases of COVID-19 has reached 75,704,857, including 575,551 new cases reported in the last 24 hours. The death toll is 1,690,061; of which 9,267 were reported in the last 24 hours.

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