Friday 2 October 2020
Outgoing Health and HIV & AIDS Minister Jelta Wong has acknowledged and thanked members of the COVID-19 Inter Agency National Control Centre (NCC) for their work in managing the pandemic in Papua New Guinea.
Minister Wong met with representatives from different government agencies, donor agencies and the private sector at the National Control Centre at Morauta house today with the Controller and Police Commissioner David Manning and Deputy Controller and Acting Health Secretary Dr Paison Dakulala.
Minister Wong said many worked with patriotism and many without overtime to keep COVID-19 at bay and urged all to continue to work.
He said while a transition strategy is being worked on there is still a long way to go and all must work towards making PNG a safer and better country.
“I commend the collaboration of all agencies including the private sector and donor agencies.
“This has never been seen before and despite starting with nothing, everyone worked with dedication to look after the country. With seven deaths the work of the NCC has been ensured we stop the spread and I thank you all,” Minister Wong said.
Mr Manning and Dr Dakulala commended Mr Wong for his leadership amidst the difficult and challenging time when Covid-19 was announced as a pandemic.
Mr Manning said work will continue on in the NCC. He appreciated the leadership and political will of Mr Wong.
He said while the NCC is in a transition phase the strategy is to see what can be done to continue to guarantee an accepted level of safety for Papua New Guinea.
“We will continue to work in this transition up until November. The pandemic has shown us the inefficiency of the government systems but with the transition we should see some improvements in place. Economic advice is that we will feel the effect about the same time next year so we cannot afford to drop the ball now,” Mr Manning said.
Mr Wong has been moved to the Ministry of Civil Aviation while the member for Abau Dr Puka Temu is the new Health and HIV Minister.
Media contact: Chief Superintendent Dominic D. Kakas, BEM, DPS
COVID-19 Media & Public Information Joint Agency Task Force
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