Monday 9 November 2020
Prime Minister Hon. James Marape, today officially opened the first annual summit on ending gender-based violence in Papua New Guinea, focusing on women and children, at APEC Haus in Port Moresby.

Prime Minister James Marape addressing the Gender-Based Violence Summit in Port Moresby this morning. (photo credit: PM’s Media Unit)
In his opening remarks, Prime Minister Marape called on all men to rise up, stop just talking and end gender-based violence in the country.
Mr Marape fully supported the 2020 summit and the work to end gender-based violence in PNG, not only as the Prime Minister, but also as an individual.
“It is now time to stop just talking and do the work needed to end gender-based violence, especially against women and children.
“It is time now for all men to rise up, take the bull by the horn (i.e. gender-based violence), and pledge personally that you must be real men in your community.
“It starts in your homes.
“I stand here before you today to make a personal commitment, as an individual, to stop violence against women and children,” he said.
Prime Minister Marape urged all men to use their physical strength, resources and talents for betterment of the country – starting by ending gender-based violence in their homes.
“When there is continuous violence at home, gender-based violence becomes normal and when children grow up and marry, they continue perpetrating violence within their own families.
“Since the Creation, men, through Adam, were given great responsibility by God to take greater care of women and children,”
He added hat even in the time of our ancestors, women were the support system that held the family, clan and tribe together.
“Women were not created as lesser beings but as an equal partner in life, ” Prime Minister Marape said.
He acknowledged the Governors, who are partners in this first politically-supported initiative to end gender- based violence in PNG, and looks forward to hearing the outcomes of the three-day summit.

Prime Minister, James Marape, Governors of NCD, Hon. Powes Parkop, Oro , Hon .Gary Juffa and East Sepik, Hon. Alan Bird, at APEC Haus this morning.