Monday, 12 October, 2020
They were officially presented to Prime Minister Marape witnessed by new Minister for Health Dr Sir Puka Temu in Port Moresby today.
Prime Minister Marape said since the first COVID-19 case was detected in PNG early this year, many of its bilateral and development partners including the United Nations, China, Australia, America and other friends helped the country cope with the pandemic.
“We, the Government and people of Papua New Guinea, really appreciate the help and support from China and the family of the UN through its United Nations Development Program Resident Office here in the country.
“Their help with these 30 ventilators will go a long way in helping patients and persons suspected of COVID-19, who have difficulty breathing and are admitted to our health facilities in the country.
“I thank the UN Resident Coordinator Mr Gianluca Rampolla and the Ambassador of China, Xue Bing, who are here today to formally hand over the ventilators to us. ”
Prime Minister Marape said the country’s health care system had a total of 40 beds with ventilators before COVID-19 was detected.
He said the help from UNDP and the Chinese Government was a great relief in containing spread of the pandemic.
Prime Minister Marape said the Government was looking beyond COVID-19 and would ensure that whilst resources were put into the fight against community transmission, other essential health care services would not be compromised.
He said that was why the Marape-Basil Government had made firm but decisive leadership changes with the appointment of a new Health Minister in Dr Sir Puka and new Health Secretary Dr Osborne Liko.
“This small, but significant occasion, on the formal handing over of the ventilators is a gesture of greater feeling of humanity that exists out there for us Papua New Guineans by the global community.
“I, as the Prime Minister, say we are appreciative of the help by the UNDP and Chinese Government and receive this medical gift with greatest pleasure.”
PNG has a total of 554 COVID-19 cases with 528 having recovered.
There are 10 active cases being isolated while the death toll remains at seven.
Prime Minister Hon. James Marape, has expressed Government’s appreciation to the United Nations and the Chinese government for donating 30 ventilators to assist in its fight against the COVID-19 pandemic.

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