Health teams visit New Ireland Province

Tuesday 20 July  2021

A joint Papua New Guinea National Department of Health (NDOH) Emergency Medical Team (EMT) and WHO Papua New Guinea clinical management and Infection Prevention Control (IPC) teams are currently in New Ireland province to support the COVID-19 response.

Joint teams from the National Department of Health and World Health Organisation  during their briefing session with the  New Ireland provincial health officials, to support COVID-19 response.

They will work together in building capacity, focusing on the management of acute patients and IPC measures.

They will conduct scenario based training in acute patient management and practical sessions on IPC. This will further be augmented by biomedical support from the national health facilities unit.

New Ireland is a pilot province for the EMT. Aside from the trainings, the team will also be carrying out vaccine advocacy sessions with frontline workers who are yet to get the vaccine.

New Ireland provincial health workers during their training session.

(Health Promotion NDOH)

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