Government Establishing Key Strategy for State of Emergency

Prime Minister Hon. James Marape, MP, says a strategic framework is being established by key stakeholders to advise the Government on necessary measures to take during the National State of Emergency. He made this announcement whilst outlining ways forward, during his regular national update in Port Moresby, yesterday (14/04/2020).

In supporting the SOE Controller, Mr Marape said the Government will relook the possibility of resuming  the 2020 academic years for students throughout Papua New Guinea, empower SMEs, and ways on how to keep the local economy afloat.

“While our Government wants to see our children resume classes at the earliest, we must heed the advise of medical experts and those closely monitoring this global pandemic. “And, set these protocols, our SOE Controller will be in close consultation with key agencies in the Government such as the Higher Education and Education departments along with the provincial and local level governments.”

He said the SOE Controller is also speaking to key organizations like the Chamber of Commerce, manufacturing councils and our business community so that we all can contribute to how we can live amidst the presence of Covid-19 for the balance of this year. “This will be done at the earliest, no later than this week,” Mr  Marape said.

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