ORO Governor Gary Juffa presented a cheque of K1 million to Police Commissioner David Manning, for the “kina for kina” Police “Station of Excellence” program to purchase 12 new police vehicles to address law and order issues in the province.
The presentation was witnessed today by Police Minister Bryan Kramer, Mr Manning, Acting Deputy Commissioner Operations Donald Yamasombi, and other senior members of the Royal Papua New Guinea Constabulary at the Police Headquarters in Konedobu, National Capital District.Minister Kramer said the K1 million presented by the Oro provincial government would be matched by the Constabulary to procure the vehicles.
The program was part of the Station of Excellence initiative which was launched by Minister Kramer and Police Commissioner Manning.
Madang Open electorate was the first to take part in the program and Northern would now be the first province to participate under Governor Juffa.
Mr Kramer has extended invitations to all members of parliament to participate in this program to improve policing services within their districts and provinces.
Meanwhile, Mr Manning said reinvesting money for the people of Oro would allow the constabulary to procure much needed assets to improve the delivery of policing services to the province.
“Security is very important. Without security no business can operate so we really want the security up and running in the province for a safer and secure environment,” Mr Manning said.
Governor Juffa however, says Oro Province has a history of law and order issues but since 2012 they made an effort to turn the image of the province around.
“The image of being a cowboy country was slowly changing. We want to welcome investment, tourists, business, and anyone who wants to come to Oro for business, pleasure, or whatever they wish to do.”
Mr Juffa said they were also going to purchase other equipment that are necessary for police in the province.
He added that with the existing reserve police partnership program with the Constabulary they would be increasing police manpower in the province so they can provide a safer Oro province for all its people, citizens, business, and friends
Media contact: Chief Superintendent Dominic D. Kakas, BEM, DPS
COVID-19 Media & Public Information Joint Agency Task Force
Mobile: 75430557 email: ddkakas@gmail.com
Police email: ddkakas.policemedia@gmail.com
COVID-19 JATF email: ddkakas.covid19media@gmail.com