Digicel Cup 2021 set to kick off

Monday 3 May 2021

The Papua New Guinea National Rugby League Competition, the Digicel Cup, is set to commence again for the 2021 season subject to compliance with a number of conditions issued today by Police Commissioner and Controller of the PNG COVID-19 National Pandemic Response,  Mr David Manning.

Mr Manning issued a directive today which comes into effect on May 6, that the Papua New Guinea National Rugby League Competition, the Digicel Cup 2021 may play professional rugby league matches, subject to the following conditions:

  • All matches must only be played in Port Moresby and Lae;
  • Not spectator shall attend any matches or training sessions; and
  • The National Rugby League Competition, including all teams, players and support staff must ensure strict adherence to the National League Competition COVID-19 Safety Protocols as approved in writing by the Controller.

This Direction comes into effect as of   May 6, 2021 and shall continue in force during the period of the Declaration of the pandemic or as varied or revoked by the Controller.

(Directive can be viewed on this official covid 19 website)


Media contact: Chief Superintendent Dominic D. Kakas, BEM, DPS
COVID-19 Media & Public Information Joint Agency Task Force
Mobile: 75430557 email: ddkakas@gmail.com
Police email:                    ddkakas.policemedia@gmail.com

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