Wednesday 23 February 2023
COVID-19 experience to improve health system
The Deputy Controller of the Covid-19 National Control Centre and Executive Director of the Vaccine Taskforce, Dr Daoni Esorom, has highlighted how the recovery phase of the pandemic response has created some understanding of the gaps within the health system which he says, can be better managed, to establish resilient health systems in the future.
Speaking at a recent Resilient Health Systems Workshop in Port Moresby, Dr Daoni , shared challenges, achievements and experiences learned through COVID -19 that could be practical solutions to some of PNG’s life-threatening diseases.
He emphasized that there are several key elements that allow for a better management of health systems, however, one that is most important is command control ,based on the experiences learned throughout COVID -19.
Dr Daoni Esorom further stated that it is through the sharing of experiences and learning among Health Care Workers, international partners, the National Control Centre and the National Department of Health (NDoH) that resilient health systems can be effectively developed to safeguard PNG’s economy from any future pandemic or disaster.
He added the command control was achieved through the engagement of a Joint Agency task force at the National Control Centre , comprising government agencies and partners, which was established on 24 March 2020.
He said this was a fundamental strategy put in place to manage the country’s disasters or pandemic under the leadership of the pandemic controller, David Manning.
The ‘Niupela Pasin’, being implemented and rolled out as a New Normal Strategy was similarly a good outcome from the pandemic that greatly complimented command control and compliance to the measures and directives given out by the controller.
“COVID 19 gave us the opportunity to be realistic about our approaches to managing some of our ongoing health management issues and challenges”, said Dr Daoni.
“Some of our airborne diseases such as Tuberculosis (TB) can be better managed similar to how we managed and controlled the spread of COVID 19 through effective quarantining and isolation of patients and their contacts.”
Dr Daoni said COVID- 19 has created a solution to some of its challenges through the establishment of the Ministerial Vaccine Taskforce with the introduction of COVID-19 Vaccines, adding vaccines can help prevent hospitalisation, severe illness and death.
“It is important to continue communicating to people and vulnerable groups the risks of COVID-19 and to be fully vaccinated. The uptake of COVID vaccination is the best way to ensure the protection of one’s health and that of their families.
“Protect yourself and your family by getting fully vaccinated at an authorised vaccination site near you today,” he added.