Controller issues 12 new pandemic measures

Monday 5 October 2020

Controller of the COVID-19 National Pandemic Response Mr David Manning has issued 12 new pandemic orders effective as of October 3, 2020.

The New Measures are:-

  1. Revocation of all  Previous Measures
  2. International Travel Measures
  3. Domestic Travel Measures
  4. Provincial Coordination
  5. Burial of Deceased Persons
  6. Customs Duties Measures
  7. COVI-19 Testing Measures
  8. COVID-19 Surveillance & Testing
  9. Business and Social Measures
  10. Mandatory Mask Wearing – Port Moresby
  11. Public Transport – Port Moresby
  12. COVID-19 Vaccination, Testing and Trials

The new measures can be viewed in details on the official covid-19 website:

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