Communication Minister Allays Fears on Claims of 5G Contributing to Spread of COVID-19

Minister for Information & Communication Technology, Hon. Timothy Masiu today urged Papua New Guineans not to believe unsubstantiated claims that the roll out of 5G technology is somehow responsible for the spread of COVID-19 in PNG and around the world.

“During the development of the 5G technology, there was extensive research and development (R&D) by mobile service technology and equipment vendors, and they confirmed that there are no harmful effects on human beings from the radiation associated with 5G technology.

“During these trying and unprecedented times there would be a lot of conspiracy theories and other innuendos and blame games on the social media, in respect of the origin of the COVID-19.

“I strongly urge our people not to be easily misled by these theories that are not based on any technological or medical research findings; I ask that you also visit the International Telecommunications Union (ITU) and WHO websites on the R&D findings,” Minister Masiu said.

The Minister said there was no scientific evidence to suggest that countries that had already deployed the 5G technology were spreading the CoronaVirus.

“Why is it then that countries that are yet to deploy 5G services in their respective countries currently have their citizens being affected by the coronavirus? Furthermore, why is it that countries like China, Japan, Singapore and Korea, who have extensively deployed 5G services, are now able to contain the spread of the coronavirus?” the Minister asked.

Minister Masiu also reiterated his earlier comments that PNG was yet to even consider the introduction of 5G in the country.

“As many of you will be aware, I issued a statement on 29th December 2019 halting any nationwide plan and design to roll out any 5G plans.  In fact, none of the current mobile services providers have been authorised to provided and to roll out 5G services in Papua New Guinea.

“As the Minister responsible for the ICT sector, it is my core duty to continuously explore new technology and harness its applications for the benefit of our people.

“New technology is always initially expensive, but if comprehensively researched and understood well, it can be harnessed to have excellent applications and benefits for our people.

“However, the major priority for this Government is to focus on increasing quality connectivity for the rural masses,” Minister Masiu said.



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