Thursday 18 June, 2020
Governor-General, Grand Chief Sir Bob Bofeng Dadae, today received boxes of personal protective equipment (PPEs) from the Embassy of the Republic of China in Port Moresby.
The PPEs were presented by Chinese Ambassador to Papua New Guinea, HE Xue Bing.
The PPEs include face masks and protective clothing that were recently brought in from China during the nationwide State of Emergency for COVID19.
Grand Chief Sir Bob acknowledged the Chinese government for the donation which he assured will be put to good use.
Sir Bob noted that the coronavirus pandemic affected all mankind regardless of race, ethnicity and political and social affiliations and that all countries both developed and developing were impacted.
The Governor General acknowledged the government and people of China for their assistance to PNG during the SoE period despite having suffered loss of lives due to the coronavirus (COVID-19) when it was first discovered and reported in the Chinese province of Wuhan.
Ambassador Xue informed the Governor- General that China is currently working on developing a vaccine to treat the coronavirus and that once developed, it will be made available and accessible to all countries and peoples.
Ambassador Xue commended efforts by the national Government to implement control measures under the Pandemic Act to address the coronavirus pandemic.
“This coronavirus does not discriminate against race, country and peoples. China, the US and European countries have all been affected, including the Pacific region, with eight reported cases in PNG.
“Fortunately, the eight cases have all recovered with no signs of community transmission. That does not mean we rest. We must continue all efforts to fight the coronavirus,” Ambassador Xue said.
It has been reported that a second wave of the coronavirus was detected in Beijing a few weeks ago.
According to Ambassador Xue, the Chinese government is doing all it can to contain this second wave of transmission and will continue its support to the World Health Organisation address this global pandemic.

Chinese Ambassador to Papua New Guinea, HE Xue Bing (left) and Governor-General, Grand Chief Sir Bob Bofeng Dadae, shaking hands following the delivery of the PPEs at Government House today. (Photo credit: Government House)