The Controller of the Bougainville State of Emergency, DEPUTY POLICE COMMISSIONER FRANCIS TOKURA has called on his Police officers to implement the Emergency orders that took effect throughout Bougainville last Saturday.
Speaking during his daily update on Sunday, MR. TOKURA said that he was not impressed at all to see that people were still operating roadside markets and still gathering in large numbers against the orders.
He said these orders were issued for our own good and everybody must adhere to them.
The Police Commissioner said that even Stores and bottle-shops along the highway were still open.
MR. TOKURA said that Police were still following some persons of interest to make sure they were questioned and isolated.
He said one case they dealt with yesterday was a Priest who is now in Buin who returned from the Philippines on the last flight to Buka on Saturday.
Other similar cases were already isolated.
Commissioner also said that they stopped a plane from coming to Bougainville because it was coming with Passengers which is against the orders.
He said the plane was to have arrived with Medical safety equipment for Health workers however it was refused because it was coming with civilian passengers on board.
The Commissioner said that under the State of Emergency only medical officers and security personnel can be allowed as they were part of the operation.
MR TOKURA also mentioned 12 prisoners escaping from the Arawa Police lock up on Saturday night.
He appealed to their families and those who know them to urge them to return as soon as possible