Vaccination is not compulsory, Prime Minister tells Parliament

Wednesday 11 August 2021 The National Government’s  COVID-19 vaccinations roll out program around the country is not compulsory says the Prime Minister Honorable James Marape during  this morning’s  session  of Parliament. “Currently we have four vaccines AstraZeneca, Pfizer-BioNTech, Johnson & Johnson and Sinopharm being distributed in the country. “These  vaccines are being certified by the

COVID-19 cases reach 17,804

Saturday 7 August 2021 Papua New Guinea’s COVID-19 cases have reached 17,804, after four new  infections were   recorded in the National Capital District, in the last 24 hours ending 12 midday on Saturday  7 August. Of the four cases,  three were males  and one female with ages   ranging   between 36  and  60 years. Controller of

COVID-19 cases increase to 17,800

Friday 6 August 2021 The National Capital District and Central Province  recorded a single case each in the last 24 hours ending 12 midday on Friday August 6, increasing the total number of cases in the country  to 17,800. The two cases were a male and a female, aged 36 and 60 years old. Papua